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These days, wearables are becoming the new trend, the new technology and the future. During my research, I came across a new particular wearable device: the smart ring.

When I was a child I was fascinated by rings: they have such a great meaning and a hidden world inside. Rings were and still are an emblem of power: kings, queens and popes all wear them. They are magnificent, beautiful, mysterious and, as Tolkien said, rings have always had a great magic power.

Smart ring innovation in wearable technology

But, what are these new smart rings I am talking about? What kind of innovation are they bringing?

This is quite a new field that only start-ups have cut through. There are two kind of rings that have been designed: Bluetooth and NFC.

The NFC ring is more limited compared to the Bluetooth. They can be used as factor authentication enabling to quickly lock or unlock phones, doors, share and transfer data and control applications.

There is a strong possibility that in the future they could be used to access bank accounts and, why not, to make payments! The contactless technology is currently having such a great success that I would not be surprised if it is adopted on these new wearable advices.

Among the Bluetooth technology available there are:

What do smart rings mean for contactless and mobile banking?

Drawing images or words in the air with your finger, you will be able to open your email, activate your camera, play songs, type and transmit texts, control your TV and phone, share data, and, above all, make payments.

Yes, you will be able to pay with just a ring, no cash or cards, or even your phone. You just need this device on your hand.

This is something absolutely magic! With a movement of your finger you can manipulate things and devices, simplifying your everyday life.

I want to have the option to go out without carrying my purse or my wallet, I want to make my life easier, I want to be able to go everywhere without additional weights, all I need is my phone and my ring: my ring is my wallet, my money, my shortcut, my support, my fashion item. Today I want my “magic” ring. Today I want the future.

After smart watches and Google Glass, I feel we may have found something more innovative (and cheaper!).

This will be the item that can make your childhood dreams come true. Using your “magic wand” you can become the wizard you always dreamt of being, so what are you waiting for? Wear the power!