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We provide financial services providers, including banks and building societies with the option to greatly enhance their customer-facing digital platforms in an efficient, cost-effective manner.

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 ieDigital is delighted to be a sponsor & speaker at this event. Garry Larner will be speaking at 15:15 on the day.

Event Overview

21 Industry Leaders Deliver Critical Insights Into Current Changes & The Future Of Digital Banking & Self-Service From Payments, To ATMs, To Changing Customer Expectations & Trends, To Fraud, Biometrics & Authentication, Data Security, Automation, Sensitive & Critical Interactions, New Technologies & Regulations – 24 March 2022, Central London

  1. Cashless, Contactless & Frictionless Payments – Cards, Wearables, Apps: Drive forward digital-first advances to improve ease of access for sky-high customer satisfaction
  2. The Latest Market Trends Around ATMs & Cash: Is the future of self-service dependent on contactless ATM capabilities, and how will this effect deposits, withdrawals and access to cash?
  3. Increase Self-Service Uptake: Match the acceleration of digitised banking methods, embed self-service… and strike the right balance moving forward
  4. Prevent Fraud, Guarantee Secure Digital Banking Solutions: Develop proactive measures to deter fraudulent
    activities and ensure the protection of customers
  5. Maximise Biometric & Authentication Technologies: Increase customer satisfaction and overcome challenges with adoption to secure greater access and convenience
  6. Data Security – Prove Safety, Retain Trust: Boost customer trust and loyalty with watertight security
  7. High-Impact AI, Chatbots & RPA: Implement user-friendly automation advances to drive greater business value
  8. Post-Pandemic Customer Expectations: Understand today’s changing needs to solidify self-service strategies in a post-pandemic state
  9. Handling Sensitive, Critical, Vulnerable & Complex Transactions & Customers: Strike the perfect balance between digital and human
  10. Power Self-Service With New, Innovative Technologies: Which new, emerging technologies will really change the face of banking?
  11. Critical Regulatory Updates: Create compliant digital banking strategies confidently within regulatory compliance

To book a ticket

Quote ‘iedigital’ to save £200 when booking

The Digitalisation & Self-Service Banking Conference (digitalfinanceconference.com)

To meet us there

Email our Business Development Representative Issy Coleman: icoleman@iedigital.com


Garry Larner will be speaking on ‘Evolving customer experience requires a transition from product to customer.’